ISOIS ▸ Závěrečné zprávy

Ak. rok:
Typ mobility:
Úroveň studia:

Kansai Gaidai University

Japonsko 2022/2023 Partnerské univerzity

Osobní data
Typ mobility:

Fakulta na MU:
Filozofická fakulta

Obor studia:
Japanese Studies / Japanese Studies

Úroveň studia v době pobytu v zahraničí:

Používaný jazyk:

Letní/zimní škola?:

Doba studia:
podzim 2022
jaro 2023

Doba pobytu (od-do):
2022-08-21 - 2023-07-27

Počet měsíců:

Aktivita před výjezdem do zahraničí
Kde je možné získat informace o kurzech vyučovaných na zahraniční škole?:
At the university’s website or annually published booklet (also available at the website).

Které dokumenty jsou potřebné k přijetí na zahraniční vysokou školu?:
Motivation letter (both for MUNI and KGU), statement of purpose, formal application issued by the university.

Jak dlouho dopředu je třeba přijetí vyřizovat?:
I issued the application half a year before my departure, however, most of the organization took place from four months on.

Bylo potřeba vízum?:

Potřebné podklady a doklady pro udělení víza:
Visa-format ID photograph, passport, certificate of eligibility (sent beforehand by the university), negative PCR test for COVID-19 (since I was leaving during the pandemic). Most documents were issued by the university.

Délka čekání na vízum:
Five days.

Výše poplatku za udělení víza:

Měl/a jste před odjezdem podepsanou studijní dohodu (Learning Agreement)?:

Pokud ne, v čem byl problém?:

Věděl/a jste před odjezdem, jak Vám kurzy budou na domovské fakultě uznány?:
Yes. The courses at KGU would be exchanged for courses taught at my home faculty (after issuing the Learning Agreement).

Měnil/a jste během pobytu studijní smlouvu?:
Yes. I was unable to estimate which courses I will be taking at KGU since the selection of courses is partially based on lottery, and therefore I finalized the Changes of Learning Agreement after my final set of courses was issued by the university.

Kdy a jak probíhá registrace do kurzů? Jsou nějaká omezení? Možnost změny?:
The course registration took place a few days before the start of the semester. The main student-led registration is conducted through a Rapport website used by the university. The student chooses up to six courses (minimum of four courses is required) they would like to take in the upcoming semester. After that, the university conducts a lottery in courses where the number of registered students eclipsed the capacity of the course. The students chosen are later formally signed up for the course, the others are offered another course that doesn’t collide with their other choices. Changes can be made up to 14 days into the semester, same as at MUNI.

Skládal/a jste na zahraniční škole zkoušky?:

Používá škola systém ECTS?:

Pokud ne, uveďte, jakým způsobem byly tamní kredity na ECTS přepočítány:

Popište způsob výuky (teorie, praxe, projekty) a hodnocení studentů:
The students are assessed based on participation in class and lectures, group and individual projects, midterm and final examinations, and, in case of courses of Japanese, weekly quizzes. Most of the courses I have taken consisted of lectures and group or class discussions, while several class periods were dedicated to presentations. However, some courses can consist of movie screenings or other methods of teaching.

Kvalita výuky ve srovnání s domácí školou:
The quality is comparable and differs from course to course. In all the courses I have taken, the quality of teaching was great, and since the classes are smaller, I felt like the professors developed a stronger bond with the students.

Jak jste získával/a studijní materiál?:
Yes, weekly or class-to-class readings, extra materials for Japanese and Kanji classes, and some professors gave us handouts for each lecture.

Můžete doporučit nějaký zajímavý kurz/předmět/vyučujícího?:
Any course taught by Professor Cogan, I have taken all the courses taught by him at KGU and I couldn’t recommend them more. Furthermore, classes taught by Professor Daut and Professor Porteux. For students interested in Japanese music and culture I would also recommend the class teaching Koto basics.

Jaká je vybavenost školní knihovny?:
Well equipped with books related to linguistics, social sciences, political sciences and history, as well as fiction both in Japanese and English. I don't have any experience in searching in other fields of study.

Dostupnost počítačů, přístup na internet, úroveň potřebného softwaru, potřeba vlastního notebooku:
Computers are available at both dormitories and libraries at both campuses, however, for me it was more convenient to have my own laptop / iPad. Basic software is enough. Internet access provided at all school grounds and both dormitories.

Možnosti tisku a kopírování:
Printers and copiers are available at both dormitories, libraries at both campuses and also 7/11 convenience store at both campuses. All are very easy to access and use. Arriving exchange students are given credit for printing at the beginning of the semester, which lasted me and my friends for major part of our year at KGU. After that it is possible to buy more credit.

Pořádá zahraniční škola/studentská organizace speciální akce pro výměnné studenty?:

Jestliže ano, jaké?:
Field trips to neighboring cities or sites in Kansai (Nagoya, Kyoto, Ise Shrine), monthly events at the YUI dormitory, monthly events at the main Nakamiya campus, such as Open Campus, university festival, Obon festival and more.

Jak byste zhodnotil/a svoji integraci mezi místní studenty (hodnocení jako ve škole 1-5):

případně doplňte vlastními slovy:
The local students were very interested in talking to exchange students and getting to know us, so it was very easy to find local students to talk to or spend time with.

Praktické otázky pobytu
Kde jste bydlel/a?:
Dormitory at Gotenyama Campus, Global Commons YUI.

Cena ubytování – měsíčně:

Další poznámky k ceně ubytování (ohledně toho, co cena obsahuje):
The price of accommodation is covered by MUNI and KGU together (based on the mutual agreement).

Popište vybavenost. Tipy pro další studenty – co by si měli sebou přivézt?:
The room at YUI is equipped with a desk, chair, quite large shelf, bed with two drawers, small fridge, trash bin, clothes rack, wardrobe, open shelf for clothes, air conditioner. I didn't necessarily need anything, so I bought only my own stand for shoes, hanger, cutlery and cup and a bowl. Main kitchen equipment such as pots or pans are provided.

Jak a s jakým předstihem je třeba si zařídit ubytování?:
With the application.

Jaké jsou možnosti stravování?:
Both campuses have a cafeteria offering lunch, the cafeteria at Gotenyama campus offers also dinners and breakfasts. Everything for a very reasonable prices.

Jaké jsou orientační ceny potravin (porovnejte s cenami v ČR):
Fruits and vegetables are the most expensive, and about twice as expensive as in the Czech Republic, except for the fruits or vegetables specifically grown in Japan. Avocados are less expensive. The other groceries are about the same price.

Doprava do místa pobytu:
Very easy. Hirakata lies on the route of the Keihan Railway from Osaka to Kyoto. There are also city buses that run from the main train station to most parts of the city.

Orientační cena dopravy:
Transportation is more expensive, however, it all depends on how often the students travels. Keihan Railway is less expensive than JR.

Tipy pro zakoupení výhodné letenky/jízdenky/další doporučení:
Transportation cards such as ICOCA (for Kansai), or Suica or Pasmo (for the whole Japan) are very convenient and easy to use. When traveling with a shinkansen, it is good to issue a gakuwari (学割, student discount ticket) at the CIE office, provides quite significant discount for the shinkansen trains when traveling over 100 km.

Jaké jsou možnosti místní dopravy (MHD, kolo, pěšky, orientační ceny):
I was mostly walking in Hirakata, everything is in a walkable distance, however, many people buy bikes. The city has a bus-system that is also very easy to use.

Jaké formality je třeba vyřídit po příjezdu, např. povolení k pobytu?:
Residence card was issued for me at the airport.

Jakého jste použil/a zdravotního pojištění? (orientační cena, výhody, nevýhody, je nutno na univerzitě pořídit jiné než domácí (české) pojištění?):
I used both the insurance from the Czech Republic as well as the Japan National Health Insurance. The price was reasonable, so I would recommend getting both.

Měl/a jste zkušenosti s lékařským ošetřením v zahraničí?:

Pracoval/a jste během studia?:

Jaké jsou podmínky pro práci/brigádu pro studenty z MU?:
A MU student, as well as any other exchange student, can work from the second semester in case they are extending their studies as KGU. If a student wants to work during the second semester, it is necessary to issue a work permit, either during arrival procedures at the airport or later, however, I don't have any personal experience.

Tipy na využití volného času:
Traveling (lots of it), spending time with friends, exploring Japan, joining one of the university’s clubs or circles.

Finanční podpora a náklady
Celkový grant od Centra zahraniční spolupráce:
200000 CZK

Měsíční stipendium v Kč:
20000 CZK

Počet podpořených měsíců:

Celkový počet měsíců:

Jakých dalších zdrojů jste využil/a k financování pobytu?:
Support from my family, savings from part time jobs.

Pokud jste obdržel/a další stipendium, uveďte jaké a jeho výši v Kč:

Poplatky spojené s nástupem na univerzitu:

a/ výše vstupního poplatku:

b/ výše školného:

c/ výše ostatních poplatků (jakých):
51000 CZK

Jaké byly Vaše průměrné měsíční výdaje?:
6000 CZK

a/ z toho ubytování:

b/ z toho stravování:
3000 CZK

c/ cestování a volný čas:
3000 CZK

Jakékoli komentáře k průměrným měsíčním výdajům:
This is a very rough estimate, each month was different.

Uznání zahraničního studia domácí fakultou
Kolik jste během studia získal kreditů (v systému zahraniční školy)?:

Kolik ETCS kreditů bylo uznáno na MU?:

Věděl/a jste předem, které kurzy Vám budou domácí fakultou uznány?:

Jakým problémům jste musel/a v souvislosti s uznáním čelit?:
Some of the courses I wanted to take / took couldn’t be exchanged for any of the courses taught at my home department, and therefore I got only the minimum number of credit. None apart from that.

Celkové hodnocení
Posouzení osobního přínosu (1 = výborný):

Posouzení akademického přínosu (1 = výborný):

Ohodnoťte informace a podporu poskytnuté zahraniční školou (1 = výborný):

Setkal/a jste se s nějakými závažnými problémy během pobytu:

Co doporučujete vzít si s sebou:
Personal laptop or iPad, personal medication if the student takes any. Herbal teas (if the student drinks them, very hard to find in Japan).

Co Vás nejvíce překvapilo na partnerské univerzitě pozitivně:
How easy it was to talk to the Japanese friends, how many life-long friends I have made, and generally how transformative the whole experience was.

Co Vás nejvíce překvapilo na partnerské univerzitě negativně:
Nothing, I was truly, honestly very happy during my stay.

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