ISOIS ▸ Závěrečné zprávy

Ak. rok:
Typ mobility:
Úroveň studia:

Griffith University

Austrálie 2018/2019 Partnerské univerzity

Osobní data
Typ mobility:

Fakulta na MU:
Fakulta informatiky

Obor studia:
Applied Informatics

Úroveň studia v době pobytu v zahraničí:

Používaný jazyk:

Letní/zimní škola?:

Doba studia:
podzim 2018

Doba pobytu (od-do):
2018-10-22 - 2019-02-16

Počet měsíců:

Aktivita před výjezdem do zahraničí
Kde je možné získat informace o kurzech vyučovaných na zahraniční škole?:
All information needed can be found on the university website.

Které dokumenty jsou potřebné k přijetí na zahraniční vysokou školu?:
I was asked for a proof of English level. Because I spend two years at international school studying fully in English, a letter from my former director confirming my English abilities was enough. Otherwise, TOEFL or other certification is needed.

Jak dlouho dopředu je třeba přijetí vyřizovat?:
I applied for the program in December 2017, starting the school in October 2018.

Bylo potřeba vízum?:

Potřebné podklady a doklady pro udělení víza:
Letter written in English ensuring the Australians that I’m going to Australia just to study and that I’m gonna leave and go backt o my country as soon as I finish the course (trimester). I also needed a letter from the Australian university saying that I’m enrolled. Last document was the OSHC, which is a health insurance (it’s compulsory).

Délka čekání na vízum:
My visa was processed within a week.

Výše poplatku za udělení víza:
Around 9500 CZK.

Měl/a jste před odjezdem podepsanou studijní dohodu (Learning Agreement)?:

Pokud ne, v čem byl problém?:

Věděl/a jste před odjezdem, jak Vám kurzy budou na domovské fakultě uznány?:
Yes. It was already agreed on my LA.

Měnil/a jste během pobytu studijní smlouvu?:
Yes. I asked to get more credits for individual courses as the material covered in the courses was more complex and I needed way more time and effort to finish the courses than it seemed at first.

Kdy a jak probíhá registrace do kurzů? Jsou nějaká omezení? Možnost změny?:
You enroll online on the university website. You can make changes at the beginning of the trimester. You can change course, enroll into a new one or drop a course.

Skládal/a jste na zahraniční škole zkoušky?:
Most of the courses were completed by working on an assignment which you were focused in during the whole semester. But 2 of the courses had additional exams as well.

Používá škola systém ECTS?:
- vyberte možnost -

Pokud ne, uveďte, jakým způsobem byly tamní kredity na ECTS přepočítány:
University system is in CP (credit points). There’s 10 CP per subject. Students need 30 CP per trimester usually. At first, I was given half of the amount of credits by my faculty. But after explaining how many hours I spent on working on assignments and also preparing for the quizzes and workshops, it was reconsidered and I was given 7 ECTS for 10 CP. I wouldn’t be also able to come back with 20 ECTS easily if I was given just 5 ECTS per 10 CP.

Popište způsob výuky (teorie, praxe, projekty) a hodnocení studentů:
There are lectures (2-4hours long) and workshops for every subject. Workshops are taking place in the labs usually, depends on the course. Projects are part of every course, so you get more familiar with the real issues. Also to complete the course, you work on the assessments throughout the semester and submitting this assessment at the end of semester makes the bigfer part of your grade. There’s usually an exam as well, but the weight of the exam is was lower. Many workshops include quizzes which can help you to improve your grade.

Kvalita výuky ve srovnání s domácí školou:
The teaching methods are absolutely amazing. The approach from university or individual teachers/mentors/professors was something I’m going to miss at my home university. There are practical workshops for every course, you get a lot of teachers attention, you work in a group on assignments, you can cooperate, help each other. Anytime you need help, you just contact the mentor and they give you time you need to understand the topic or they help you with your assignments. The teachers were more like our friends (trimester 3 in Australia is less busy as there’s summer at that time. So it also played a role as the classes were smaller). The overall quality of teaching and facilities is way higher than I’m used to.

Jak jste získával/a studijní materiál?:
Most of the materials were online, but if we needed printed copies, it was usually given to us printed. But all the assessments and quizzes were online.

Můžete doporučit nějaký zajímavý kurz/předmět/vyučujícího?:
Creative Coding - an interesting course for students to start with programming in JavaScript. You finish the course by submitting your own game in a web browser.
Information Systems Foundations - you work on a real world problem, taking a role of a project manager and working on very detailed and professional analysis of a chosen company dealing with some issues based on problems with Information Systems.

Jaká je vybavenost školní knihovny?:
The school library is very well equipped. Apart from a huge range of studying material available, there are many computers for use, printers, there are study rooms, rooms for group studying with blackboards, quiet area, 24/7 area for studying, sofas and couches everywhere, enough places for charging your phone or laptop, gaming aread with PlayStation and Xbox.

Dostupnost počítačů, přístup na internet, úroveň potřebného softwaru, potřeba vlastního notebooku:
There are computer labs with either iMac computers or Windows running computers. You don’t need a laptop at all, but it’s more convenient. Internet access is very reliable and fast. All the software needed was easily accessible and also running on both platforms (macOS and Windows). From my experience at MUNI, the struggle with having MacBook in Australia wasn’t an issues at all. But it was an issue back at my home university.

Možnosti tisku a kopírování:
Usung your student card, you just too up the credit and you can print and cooy. Many printers are in the library, but there are printers all over the campus. So it’s very easy to access it.

Pořádá zahraniční škola/studentská organizace speciální akce pro výměnné studenty?:

Jestliže ano, jaké?:
At the beginning of the semester, there’s one week orientation which is full of activities as different trips, gathering, playing games, party at university bar, campus walks, barbecue, different lectures.

Jak byste zhodnotil/a svoji integraci mezi místní studenty (hodnocení jako ve škole 1-5):

případně doplňte vlastními slovy:

Praktické otázky pobytu
Kde jste bydlel/a?:
I found room in a shared house on Flatmates website. It’s the cheapest way to live. Living on the campus is almost twice more expensive.

Cena ubytování – měsíčně:
480 EUR

Další poznámky k ceně ubytování (ohledně toho, co cena obsahuje):
Depends on the place you stay at. Usually it comes with all the bills included (electricity, water, interner, Netflix). Sometimes there are additional costs.

Popište vybavenost. Tipy pro další studenty – co by si měli sebou přivézt?:
As you can buy anything here, there’s no need to bring anything special. Using Gumtree (website for used stuff - from bikes, cars, to blenders or even accommodation), you can bet many things way cheaper. I bought a bike for 1600 CZK, which would cost approximately 10 000 CZK in my home country. The houses are usually fully equipped.

Jak a s jakým předstihem je třeba si zařídit ubytování?:
Many places can be arranged in around two weeks period. I found the accommodation around 1 month before I came. Many people don’t like waiting for that long for someone to move in. So 1-2 weeks are enough to find a good place.

Jaké jsou možnosti stravování?:
Australia offers way more options than the Czech Republic, so unlimited.

Jaké jsou orientační ceny potravin (porovnejte s cenami v ČR):
Seasonal fruit and veggies is sometimes even cheaper, especially on the markets. But overall, it’s way more expensive. Per week, I would spend the same money as in the Czech Republic per month. On the other hand, the quality of food here is amazing. Restaurants are also very expensive. The prices start around $15 for a decent meal (Which is around 240 CZK). But you usually spend around $20-$25. Every restaurant offers water for free.

Doprava do místa pobytu:
Bus. The infrastructure of transportation is not that good as in Brno. There’s nothing as buses going during the night. Last buses go around 11pm, the first ones 6-7am. There’s a tram line, but just one tram going along the coast. It’s very easy with a bike here. Also bigger cities and airports are connected by train and that’s a good way for travelling.

Orientační cena dopravy:
It’s highly recommended to buy “go card” and get a student concession as you pay half the price. The austem is different than in Brno. But for one ride, it’s around 32CZK if you travel around 5-10km and if it’s within 2 hours I guess.

Tipy pro zakoupení výhodné letenky/jízdenky/další doporučení:
Go card. You buy it at petrol station (7 eleven) or other places where you see the symbol of the card. You can top it up on every tram station or in the bus. You can also do it online. Also ask for the student concession. Don’t be scared to call the number on the card for any help, the customer service is way more helpful than you would expect.

Jaké jsou možnosti místní dopravy (MHD, kolo, pěšky, orientační ceny):
Public transport during the day is alright. Also it depends on your location, how far it is from the beach or busy areas. Walking is hard (I tried to walk to uni and back and to grocery shops for the first month, ended up with 200km distance walked in that month). I don’t recommend that. Everything is way further than it seems (the size of Australia is literally the size if Europe as I found out when i came here). Cycling is very convenient (just buy a bike on Gumtree or Facebook Market). Skateboarding is very convenient too.

Jaké formality je třeba vyřídit po příjezdu, např. povolení k pobytu?:
You don’t need any residence permit. As you’re on student visa, you don’t have to care about that.

Jakého jste použil/a zdravotního pojištění? (orientační cena, výhody, nevýhody, je nutno na univerzitě pořídit jiné než domácí (české) pojištění?):
The university will not allow you to enroll until you get OSHC insurance. Around 5400 CZK for semester. So you can use the university doctors and medical facilities for free. Apart from that one, I got insurance attached to my credit card.

Měl/a jste zkušenosti s lékařským ošetřením v zahraničí?:
I got a few checks there. Everything was very easy to arrange.

Pracoval/a jste během studia?:

Jaké jsou podmínky pro práci/brigádu pro studenty z MU?:
As you’re on student visa, you’re allowed to work max 20 hours per week (unlimited hours during holidays). It’s handy to open an Australian bank account to get paid from your work (sometimes it’s necessary). For example Commonwealth Bank offers a bank account completely for free (offers Apple Pay as well. And they’ve got very handy phone app as well)

Tipy na využití volného času:
Surfing, running, national parks, hiking, many possibilities at uni (gym, athletics, I personally joined a swimming club there).

Finanční podpora a náklady
Celkový grant od Centra zahraniční spolupráce:
80000 CZK

Měsíční stipendium v Kč:
20000 CZK

Počet podpořených měsíců:

Celkový počet měsíců:

Jakých dalších zdrojů jste využil/a k financování pobytu?:
My own savings, my parents help, money I made in Australia.

Pokud jste obdržel/a další stipendium, uveďte jaké a jeho výši v Kč:
My home faculty gave me grant of 25 000 CZK

Poplatky spojené s nástupem na univerzitu:

a/ výše vstupního poplatku:

b/ výše školného:

c/ výše ostatních poplatků (jakých):

Jaké byly Vaše průměrné měsíční výdaje?:
30000 CZK

a/ z toho ubytování:
12500 CZK

b/ z toho stravování:
11000 CZK

c/ cestování a volný čas:
6500 CZK

Jakékoli komentáře k průměrným měsíčním výdajům:

Uznání zahraničního studia domácí fakultou
Kolik jste během studia získal kreditů (v systému zahraniční školy)?:
40 CP

Kolik ETCS kreditů bylo uznáno na MU?:

Věděl/a jste předem, které kurzy Vám budou domácí fakultou uznány?:

Jakým problémům jste musel/a v souvislosti s uznáním čelit?:
I didn’t have any problems.

Celkové hodnocení
Posouzení osobního přínosu (1 = výborný):

Posouzení akademického přínosu (1 = výborný):

Ohodnoťte informace a podporu poskytnuté zahraniční školou (1 = výborný):

Setkal/a jste se s nějakými závažnými problémy během pobytu:
I didn’t encounter any problems.

Co doporučujete vzít si s sebou:
Take less than you think you need. As you cumulate stuff during your stay, it’s hard to pack at the end.

Co Vás nejvíce překvapilo na partnerské univerzitě pozitivně:
The teachers’ attitude and the huge variety of activities provided (sports and clubs included). The facilities of the university were way beyond my expectations.

Co Vás nejvíce překvapilo na partnerské univerzitě negativně:

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