ISOIS ▸ Závěrečné zprávy

Ak. rok:
Typ mobility:
Úroveň studia:

Rikkyo University

Japonsko 2019/2020 Fakultní smlouvy

Osobní data
Typ mobility:

Fakulta na MU:
Filozofická fakulta

Obor studia:
Japanese Studies

Úroveň studia v době pobytu v zahraničí:

Používaný jazyk:

Letní/zimní škola?:

Doba studia:
podzim 2019
jaro 2020

Doba pobytu (od-do):
2019-09-04 - 2020-07-31

Počet měsíců:

Aktivita před výjezdem do zahraničí
Kde je možné získat informace o kurzech vyučovaných na zahraniční škole?:

3. Academic Program

Které dokumenty jsou potřebné k přijetí na zahraniční vysokou školu?:
reference letter, motivation letter, online application, dormitory application, health check-up (including x-ray), bank account statement, Japanese visa, english exam certificate

Jak dlouho dopředu je třeba přijetí vyřizovat?:
I started to prepare almost 1 year ahead

Bylo potřeba vízum?:

Potřebné podklady a doklady pro udělení víza:
Passport, invitation letter from university, dormitory acceptance (with written address of the dorm), special application document distributed at embassy

Délka čekání na vízum:
4 days

Výše poplatku za udělení víza:

Měl/a jste před odjezdem podepsanou studijní dohodu (Learning Agreement)?:

Pokud ne, v čem byl problém?:

Věděl/a jste před odjezdem, jak Vám kurzy budou na domovské fakultě uznány?:

Měnil/a jste během pobytu studijní smlouvu?:
yes, because the I filled out the LA based on previous year's course list which changed and we also recieved new information at the semester start so it had to be changed, I also added Changes to LA document

Kdy a jak probíhá registrace do kurzů? Jsou nějaká omezení? Možnost změny?:
course registration was online and we had class presentation about how to do it, it was part of the orientation week

Skládal/a jste na zahraniční škole zkoušky?:
yes, Japanese language test

Používá škola systém ECTS?:
- vyberte možnost -

Pokud ne, uveďte, jakým způsobem byly tamní kredity na ECTS přepočítány:
Rikkyo has their own system that I didn't find explained, but I didn't calculate my credits myself, it was calculated and assigned by department teacher at MU when I was filling out my LA

Popište způsob výuky (teorie, praxe, projekty) a hodnocení studentů:
teaching methods were as I'd imagine world-class education facility, in class courses included explanation of the topic and practical excercise, it was mostly language courses so sometimes we were divided into a group for conversation
there were many presentations we had to prepare and present individually, this was not only in-class but during spring 2020 also during online classes as well
there were weekly homeworks which either teacher collected each class or we checked them all together

Kvalita výuky ve srovnání s domácí školou:
I would say the teaching methods are similar, but it's difficult to compare language classes held by native Japanese and classes at MU. Classes at MU are more liguistics oriented, we could understand the structure of the language and culture better thanks to what we were taught beforehand. Ar Rikkyo it was easily understandable, homework tasks were clear, presence in class had a big impact on the final mark and all teachers were very understanding and willing to help if students faced any difficulities.

Jak jste získával/a studijní materiál?:
Rikkyo had their own printed material distributed in classes /autumn 2019/ and online / spring 2020/

Můžete doporučit nějaký zajímavý kurz/předmět/vyučujícího?:
All of the courses were very interesting but I would reccommend Proffesor Reisel and her courses about Japanese popular culture. She teaches the classes in a very unique style and from each class I would see a new point of view on different topics. It's a demanding class, takes more time and effort than some other classes but it is worth it. Thanks to her I was able to meet an author of books about popular culture which I read Partick Galbraith.

Jaká je vybavenost školní knihovny?:
The library is very well equipped. I could find some interesting books, the only problem was that some of them couldn't be carried out of the library or taken photo of. But I found many books that were available to carry out too. There are two libraries - one in Ikebukuro and one in Niiza campus.

Dostupnost počítačů, přístup na internet, úroveň potřebného softwaru, potřeba vlastního notebooku:
computers were available across the whole campus, there were usually Microsoft Windows OS computers, but in one building there were only MAC computers for students used to this operation system
Internet was throughout both campuses as well, never experienced any trouble
notebooks are allowed to used mostly in all classes (there are exceptions in some language courses where it's not neccessary)
notebooks are also available for free rental throughout the day

Možnosti tisku a kopírování:
we could print using our student card on campus printer (there was a point system but I never ran out of my points)
but copying was 1 page for 10 yen

Pořádá zahraniční škola/studentská organizace speciální akce pro výměnné studenty?:

Jestliže ano, jaké?:
there were many, but some of them were in the form of lottery so not all who wanted to join could participate, but that's also because they were for a very special price or for free

Examples: Noh theathre experience, Tea ceremony, local trips, Czech Classical music concert and many more...

Jak byste zhodnotil/a svoji integraci mezi místní studenty (hodnocení jako ve škole 1-5):

případně doplňte vlastními slovy:
I would say there was a barrier but we were not completely separated, somehting in between
I was able to make some Japanese friends
but for example language classes were held completely without Japanese students

Praktické otázky pobytu
Kde jste bydlel/a?:
I lived in RIR Shiinamachi which is Rikkyo University's dormitory where one floor is reserved for international students, rest is for Japanese.

Cena ubytování – měsíčně:
763 EUR

Další poznámky k ceně ubytování (ohledně toho, co cena obsahuje):
accomondation, internet, electricity, water

there were separate monthly bills for gas and insurance

Popište vybavenost. Tipy pro další studenty – co by si měli sebou přivézt?:
no need to bring anything, except for electric plug in reduction - Japanese have different
but the room had fridge, washing machine, AC, drying system in a bathroom, balcony, sink, mirrors, toilet

Jak a s jakým předstihem je třeba si zařídit ubytování?:
solve everything as soon as you recieve the fill-out forms, it takes time, also consider the health check-up and x-ray is neccessary
Rikkyo has their own deadlines as well

Jaké jsou možnosti stravování?:
Shiinamachi has a really nice meal plan - breakfasts and dinner
staff is very nice and kind, like a family

Jaké jsou orientační ceny potravin (porovnejte s cenami v ČR):
very very expensive
1 kg of apples in Czech = 1 apple in Japan
small box of strawberries = over 100czk
but some are the same price - like avocado = 30 CZK

Doprava do místa pobytu:
I could walk 15 minutes to Ikebukuro campus
to Niiza campus it was 30-40 minutes by train (once a week)

Orientační cena dopravy:

to Niiza campus around 60-80 czk (1 way)

regarding trips:
from closest dorm stop to Ikebukuro (30czk), local bus was (40czk)

for example to Yokohama it was around (200CZK)

Tipy pro zakoupení výhodné letenky/jízdenky/další doporučení:
we had Shinkansen discount (for trips)
some students living further from Ikebukuro used the train dicsount for communitng but for me it wasn't neccessary

Jaké jsou možnosti místní dopravy (MHD, kolo, pěšky, orientační ceny):
already described in “Rough prices of transportation“

cycling was popular, but I don't know the prices
I preffered on foot or train

Jaké formality je třeba vyřídit po příjezdu, např. povolení k pobytu?:
it's usually taken care of at the airport and after arrival a person in charge of the dorm takes the students to the city hall and arrange everything together

Jakého jste použil/a zdravotního pojištění? (orientační cena, výhody, nevýhody, je nutno na univerzitě pořídit jiné než domácí (české) pojištění?):
National Health Insurance - 250 CZK/month
Rikkyo Health Insurance
travel insurance from VZP in Czech (during the period of Corona virus)

Měl/a jste zkušenosti s lékařským ošetřením v zahraničí?:
yes, I sprained an ankle

Pracoval/a jste během studia?:
I had a part-time job at Rikkyo, I was a student assistant in one of the courses called College Life Planning

Jaké jsou podmínky pro práci/brigádu pro studenty z MU?:
need to have a working permit (stamp on a residence card), they can work up to certain hours per week, no more

if there are multiple part time jobs there is a special document necessary (but I don't have an experience with that)

Tipy na využití volného času:
Join a school club
walk around Ikebukuro - shopping, theathres, entertainment centers, aquarium, planetarium

city center is close to Ikebukuro so it's not too far to make a day trip to any part of Tokyo and it doesn't cost much

Finanční podpora a náklady
Celkový grant od Centra zahraniční spolupráce:
200000 CZK

Měsíční stipendium v Kč:
20000 CZK

Počet podpořených měsíců:

Celkový počet měsíců:

Jakých dalších zdrojů jste využil/a k financování pobytu?:

Pokud jste obdržel/a další stipendium, uveďte jaké a jeho výši v Kč:

Poplatky spojené s nástupem na univerzitu:

a/ výše vstupního poplatku:

b/ výše školného:

c/ výše ostatních poplatků (jakých):

Jaké byly Vaše průměrné měsíční výdaje?:
20000 CZK

a/ z toho ubytování:
20000 CZK

b/ z toho stravování:
7000 CZK

c/ cestování a volný čas:
3000 CZK

Jakékoli komentáře k průměrným měsíčním výdajům:
accomondation was paid beforehand so I don't count it in the monthly expenditure
1250 was insurance, 2000 yen was gas bill

Uznání zahraničního studia domácí fakultou
Kolik jste během studia získal kreditů (v systému zahraniční školy)?:

Kolik ETCS kreditů bylo uznáno na MU?:

Věděl/a jste předem, které kurzy Vám budou domácí fakultou uznány?:
Yes and if I wasn't sure I could ask teacher who gave advice throughout mail

Jakým problémům jste musel/a v souvislosti s uznáním čelit?:
I'm still waiting for the transcript of records from Rikkyo and document “Changes of Learning agreement“ signed by MU party to be sent back to me so I could upload it to the system

but other than this, no problems yet

Celkové hodnocení
Posouzení osobního přínosu (1 = výborný):

Posouzení akademického přínosu (1 = výborný):

Ohodnoťte informace a podporu poskytnuté zahraniční školou (1 = výborný):

Setkal/a jste se s nějakými závažnými problémy během pobytu:
none that I could think of

Co doporučujete vzít si s sebou:
I recommend to take as few of things as you can and one spare luggage, because if not, going back will be very difficult. I had to send many things by post.

Anything needed can be found an bought there (there is Daiso - 100 yen shop nearby)

bring souvenirs typical for Czech republic

Co Vás nejvíce překvapilo na partnerské univerzitě pozitivně:
How organized everything was
instructions were clear, techers were very nice and welcoming, campus was beautiful and close to my dorm
no difficulties with internet connection
there was a cafe inside campus- next to library
and each campus had at least one convinience store inside (Lawson and Family Mart)

Co Vás nejvíce překvapilo na partnerské univerzitě negativně:
I wasn't allowed to join japanese archery club, because I was only exchange student
some other clubs I was interested in and might be able join were too expensive

Další komentář:
I would say that despite being one of the most prestigous universities in Japan Rikkyo is very open-minded and not conservative school which has a close connection to the western culture. During the pandemic COVID19 outburst we were provided with support even as international students, we could stay and finish our abroad study program. Some other classmates studying at different universities in Japan complained they were told to leave their dorms with nowhere to go, Rikkyo didn't do this and took care of us until the end of our stay and was very helpful. My experience is only positive.