ISOIS ▸ Závěrečné zprávy

Ak. rok:
Typ mobility:
Úroveň studia:

Akita International University

Japonsko 2017/2018 Partnerské univerzity

Osobní data
Typ mobility:

Fakulta na MU:
Fakulta sociálních studií

Obor studia:
Political Science / Security & Strategic Studies

Úroveň studia v době pobytu v zahraničí:

Používaný jazyk:

Letní/zimní škola?:

Doba studia:
jaro 2018
podzim 2018

Doba pobytu (od-do):
2018-04-01 - 2018-12-21

Počet měsíců:

Aktivita před výjezdem do zahraničí
Kde je možné získat informace o kurzech vyučovaných na zahraniční škole?:
Materials from the partner university available from MU, later their university information system.

Které dokumenty jsou potřebné k přijetí na zahraniční vysokou školu?:
Motivation letter, CV, transcript of records from home university, later some medical documents and financial statement.

Jak dlouho dopředu je třeba přijetí vyřizovat?:
+/- One semester ahead.

Bylo potřeba vízum?:

Potřebné podklady a doklady pro udělení víza:
Financial statement, application, and confirmation from the hosting university.

Délka čekání na vízum:
Few weeks, month at maximum.

Výše poplatku za udělení víza:
Can't remember precisely or if any at all. But if there was a fee, it was not large.

Měl/a jste před odjezdem podepsanou studijní dohodu (Learning Agreement)?:

Pokud ne, v čem byl problém?:
Hosting university signed it sometime after my arrival. There was a period when students could change their courses so after that period was over, they could sign the LA.

Věděl/a jste před odjezdem, jak Vám kurzy budou na domovské fakultě uznány?:
Mostly yes.

Měnil/a jste během pobytu studijní smlouvu?:

Kdy a jak probíhá registrace do kurzů? Jsou nějaká omezení? Možnost změny?:
You register for courses beforehand and when the semester starts there is a (2 weeks long if I recall correctly) period during which you can change your courses (if there were enough free spots and you were admitted in the first place). Almost no restrictions (apart from a limited number of free spots) applied.

Skládal/a jste na zahraniční škole zkoušky?:
Yes. In language classes, it was written small exams basically every day and sometimes bigger ones and oral examination too. In other classes, it was a mix of essay tests and knowledge written (or oral) exams usually spread out throughout the whole semester with bigger ones sometimes in the middle and at the end. It varied depending on a class

Používá škola systém ECTS?:

Pokud ne, uveďte, jakým způsobem byly tamní kredity na ECTS přepočítány:
Every credit earned at the partner university was multiplied by 2.

Popište způsob výuky (teorie, praxe, projekty) a hodnocení studentů:
Varied greatly according to the subject. More creative projects and essay exams than in MU. Less "memorizing", although bigger workload spread out through the semester and mandatory attendance. The final grade was usually a sum of all the activities in the course.

Kvalita výuky ve srovnání s domácí školou:
Again, varied greatly subject to subject. Some courses were of lower quality (usually because the teachers had to go much slower due to insufficient English skills of some Japanese students), but there were those whose quality was definitely comparable to MU (which I consider of very high quality).

Jak jste získával/a studijní materiál?:
Usually from the teacher in class or the school information system, from mandatory books we had to buy or the school library.

Můžete doporučit nějaký zajímavý kurz/předmět/vyučujícího?:
I can recommend the very high-quality Japanese language courses in AIU. From other courses definitely history ones from prof. O'Reilly, debate classes of prof. Konishi and most importantly, law and politics classes of great prof. Toyoda which gave me a lot.

Jaká je vybavenost školní knihovny?:
Well enough for the needs of the school curriculum.

Dostupnost počítačů, přístup na internet, úroveň potřebného softwaru, potřeba vlastního notebooku:
Computer lab opened 24/7. Internet access through wifi almost everywhere apart from accommodations (you need a router or use lan cable). Also, don't forget that plugs are different so take a plug converter.

Možnosti tisku a kopírování:
Free copying and printing of 150 black/white pages per month. Apart from that, you can pay a small fee for more or color ones.

Pořádá zahraniční škola/studentská organizace speciální akce pro výměnné studenty?:

Jestliže ano, jaké?:
Various welcoming events to mix the foreign students and the new coming Japanese students (small and large ones). Apart from that many events were hosted where all were welcome (not only exchange students).

Jak byste zhodnotil/a svoji integraci mezi místní studenty (hodnocení jako ve škole 1-5):

případně doplňte vlastními slovy:
If you are not shy and engage the local students (mostly during the first weeks when most of them are also newcomers) the integration is pretty high. There is also a certain number of more "cosmopolitan" older students, who are easier to hang out with. Truth be told, the cultural difference can get in the way from time to time and some Japanese students rather spend time with other natives and don't like spending time with foreigners that much. But in the end, if you want to get integrated, its possible to a rather high degree.

Praktické otázky pobytu
Kde jste bydlel/a?:
Apartment in the campus provided by the university. So called "Global Village".

Cena ubytování – měsíčně:

Další poznámky k ceně ubytování (ohledně toho, co cena obsahuje):
In total it was +/- 130 000 yen per semester (1000+ EUR). It included housing and bedding and cleaning fee. Also of course electricity, water and internet.

Popište vybavenost. Tipy pro další studenty – co by si měli sebou přivézt?:
Basics - desk, chair, bed, stove, small fridge, safe without a padlock, lan cable and some cupboards. You need to buy everything else from kitchenware to a trash can. There is a cheap (100 yen) store in nearby mall (AEON mall) where you can get most of the needed things very cheaply. The school also provides free transportation there during the first two weeks.

Jak a s jakým předstihem je třeba si zařídit ubytování?:
Like the application, during the semester before the stay abroad.

Jaké jsou možnosti stravování?:
You can buy a meal plan. There is a 10 meal plan (lunches and dinners during the work days) and 21 meal plan (all three meals every day), they wary in the price of course. The quality and taste are very inconstant, but during the first two weeks its mandatory so you will know by the end of the period if you want to continue. You can also cook in your place. And there is also a "restaurant" in the cafeteria providing a stable selection of meals and more "western like" cafe with fast food and a small selection of meals every day (although more expensive than the cafeteria or restaurant). There are also a few establishments around the campus, but not very suitable for everyday meals.

Jaké jsou orientační ceny potravin (porovnejte s cenami v ČR):
Higher. Not drastically but after a few months, you'll know the difference. You can buy noodles, rice, and fish even cheaper, but everything else is basically more expensive (the biggest difference I guess are fruit prices).

Doprava do místa pobytu:
The school provides pickup at the airport (as long as you give them a heads up). Afterward, there is a bus line going to the mall several times every day and to the train station where you can take the connecting train to the city. Be aware that the campus is really in the middle of nowhere.

Orientační cena dopravy:
One round trip to the mall is 320 yen (around 60 Czech crowns) and to the train station the same (there you must buy another ticket to town for another +/- 50 crowns). Overall the transportation fees are higher.

Tipy pro zakoupení výhodné letenky/jízdenky/další doporučení:
Be aware that for traveling around the country, you as a foreigner can buy cheap "explorer pass" tickets from Japanese airlines for low prices to the main destinations of Japan (as long as you have a return ticket). For local traveling you can buy tickets from the bus driver for 1000 yen, making the trips to the mall a little bit cheaper.

Jaké jsou možnosti místní dopravy (MHD, kolo, pěšky, orientační ceny):
As mentioned before its mostly bus lines and train. There is a possibility to rent a bike too.

Jaké formality je třeba vyřídit po příjezdu, např. povolení k pobytu?:
Residence permit/student visa. That means going to the embassy in Prague, some medical examinations, various documents from school, etc.

Jakého jste použil/a zdravotního pojištění? (orientační cena, výhody, nevýhody, je nutno na univerzitě pořídit jiné než domácí (české) pojištění?):
There is a mandatory Japanese national health insurance (covering 70 % of all expenses) which is included in the money the university will ask from you before arriving. I bought extra travel insurance back in Czech to be safe.

Měl/a jste zkušenosti s lékařským ošetřením v zahraničí?:
Yes. The school has a small nursery where I had to go to get medication because of second-degree burns I suffered. These treatments are free but visits to hospital cost money (as I know from the experiences of my friends)

Pracoval/a jste během studia?:
A little bit, yes.

Jaké jsou podmínky pro práci/brigádu pro studenty z MU?:
You need to apply for a work permit (nothing complicated) to get money for the work, otherwise, they can't pay you. After that, there is a school department called RCOS that arranges for small-time jobs for foreign students (usually conversation partners and teaching English to Japanese kids). Japanese language skills help but they aren't always necessary.

Tipy na využití volného času:
Join a club. There is also a free movie projection every Friday at the university "cinema". Otherwise, the school will provide enough info during the first weeks what to do in free time and the possibilities you have. Enjoy Japan!

Finanční podpora a náklady
Celkový grant od Centra zahraniční spolupráce:
180000 CZK

Měsíční stipendium v Kč:
20000 CZK

Počet podpořených měsíců:

Celkový počet měsíců:

Jakých dalších zdrojů jste využil/a k financování pobytu?:
My own savings, support from sibling and parents and very small part came from working in Japan too (mostly free time expenses). Those numbers below are orientational and varied month from month.

Pokud jste obdržel/a další stipendium, uveďte jaké a jeho výši v Kč:

Poplatky spojené s nástupem na univerzitu:

a/ výše vstupního poplatku:

b/ výše školného:

c/ výše ostatních poplatků (jakých):
40000 JPY

Jaké byly Vaše průměrné měsíční výdaje?:
50000 JPY

a/ z toho ubytování:

b/ z toho stravování:
30000 JPY

c/ cestování a volný čas:
20000 JPY

Jakékoli komentáře k průměrným měsíčním výdajům:

Uznání zahraničního studia domácí fakultou
Kolik jste během studia získal kreditů (v systému zahraniční školy)?:

Kolik ETCS kreditů bylo uznáno na MU?:

Věděl/a jste předem, které kurzy Vám budou domácí fakultou uznány?:
No, only after the signing of the Changes to LA.

Jakým problémům jste musel/a v souvislosti s uznáním čelit?:
Different dates of semester start in Czech and Japan mean the schools send the documentation according to their own schedule, which in the present causes troubles for me, as I need some of the documents from Japan faster, then they said they'll be ready. Apart from that no problems with recognition of the courses.

Celkové hodnocení
Posouzení osobního přínosu (1 = výborný):

Posouzení akademického přínosu (1 = výborný):

Ohodnoťte informace a podporu poskytnuté zahraniční školou (1 = výborný):

Setkal/a jste se s nějakými závažnými problémy během pobytu:
Not really.

Co doporučujete vzít si s sebou:
As mentioned above. Don't forget plug converter.

Co Vás nejvíce překvapilo na partnerské univerzitě pozitivně:
Welcoming attitude of staff and the local students. Great environment and course selection. Very good lectors and many ways how to spend free time. It was a really great time and invaluable life experience.

Co Vás nejvíce překvapilo na partnerské univerzitě negativně:
Maybe attitude of some small number of local students towards foreigners and the isolation of the campus.

Další komentář:
Recommending 9,9/10