ISOIS ▸ Závěrečné zprávy

Ak. rok:
Typ mobility:
Úroveň studia:

Deakin University

Austrálie 2019/2020 Partnerské univerzity

Osobní data
Typ mobility:

Fakulta na MU:
Fakulta informatiky

Obor studia:
Applied Informatics / Service Science, Management and Engineering

Úroveň studia v době pobytu v zahraničí:

Používaný jazyk:

Letní/zimní škola?:

Doba studia:
podzim 2019

Doba pobytu (od-do):
2019-07-01 - 2019-10-31

Počet měsíců:

Aktivita před výjezdem do zahraničí
Kde je možné získat informace o kurzech vyučovaných na zahraniční škole?:
Deakin has a fairly decent way to search through available courses at & a list of all available courses at

Although nowhere near close to what we have at MU, it's fairly easy to look through available courses & get a broad idea of what the courses are about.

Které dokumenty jsou potřebné k přijetí na zahraniční vysokou školu?:
I was required to either have a valid IELTS/TOEFL certificate with a high enough grade or to pass Deakin's DUELI test of English proficiency. After receiving login credentials for Deakin's study abroad system, I was required to sign several documents & questionnaires, including housing preference.

Jak dlouho dopředu je třeba přijetí vyřizovat?:
I believe I started filling out the necessary paperwork at the end of January. I've received the necessary paperwork for visa (& confirmation of enrolment) sometime in early April.

Bylo potřeba vízum?:

Potřebné podklady a doklady pro udělení víza:
I needed an offer letter from Deakin, a Certificate of Enrolment & a valid Overseas Health Cover (OSHC) policy. This meant that I had to already have my health insurance paid for before applying for a visa.

Délka čekání na vízum:
Under an hour. Student visas are usually resolved almost instantly in case everything is in order.

Výše poplatku za udělení víza:
I believe I paid A$580 just for the visa. This is excluding the OSHC fee that was A$298.
The class 500 student visa currently costs A$620 (at least).

Měl/a jste před odjezdem podepsanou studijní dohodu (Learning Agreement)?:

Pokud ne, v čem byl problém?:

Věděl/a jste před odjezdem, jak Vám kurzy budou na domovské fakultě uznány?:
Yes, I've only signed up for courses of type C, meaning that I was only going to get the credits recognized.

Měnil/a jste během pobytu studijní smlouvu?:
Yes, I've changed my courses several times and changed my LA (finally) once.

Kdy a jak probíhá registrace do kurzů? Jsou nějaká omezení? Možnost změny?:
The initial course registration had me writing an e-mail to Deakin with the courses I picked for the semester. They replied whether these courses were fine, or not. I was restricted to only get into courses without prerequisites, but I was not limited to only courses belonging to their IT faculty. Before the start of the semester, I had to confirm my chosen courses in their IS.

I was allowed to make changes several times without any bigger issues. They have an initial two-week period for course changes, similar to MU.

Skládal/a jste na zahraniční škole zkoušky?:
I did not take any exams. My courses were all finished by either delivering a large project or several smaller projects.

Používá škola systém ECTS?:

Pokud ne, uveďte, jakým způsobem byly tamní kredity na ECTS přepočítány:
Deakin gives 1 credit for every single course. This translates to 7.5 ECTS.

Popište způsob výuky (teorie, praxe, projekty) a hodnocení studentů:
I was quite disappointed with the teaching methods at Deakin. I've changed courses several times because of the teachers. My biggest gripe was probably that most teachers did not speak, nor understand proper English. This could have been specific to the subjects taught by the IT faculty, but most of my teachers were did not understand the students' questions, had major grammar mistakes in the slides and were not even clear on the requirements to finish their own courses. In the end, I've cycled through (I think) 8 courses until I found some that either had a teacher with a clear understanding of what they're doing or had a clear and well-structured syllabus that did not require me to talk to the teachers at all.

Another gripe I had was that each of my courses used a different variation of Deakin's IS to provide all necessary materials, assignments, etc. Although all variants were decent, having to switch contexts so much was fairly annoying.

Kvalita výuky ve srovnání s domácí školou:
MU's teaching quality is definitely much better, at least in my experience. I felt like most people who teach at the subjects I had experience with were either unhappy with their job or just did not care enough to know the answers to even the most basic questions. I've only had one course where I felt the teacher achieved the quality of teaching MU (or at least FI) has.

Jak jste získával/a studijní materiál?:
100% of the materials were distributed electronically, with a large and well-supplied library if the student required anything extra.

Můžete doporučit nějaký zajímavý kurz/předmět/vyučujícího?:
I've had good experience with ACG706 - Designing for Web Environments. The teacher (Mifrah Ahmad) was well informed, able to answer any questions, and guided us through the projects really well.

Jaká je vybavenost školní knihovny?:
The school library is terrific. There are tons of different seating options, each with a power plug and relative privacy. It's a very comfortable environment to study in. Overall, the campus is beautiful and well-equipped.

Dostupnost počítačů, přístup na internet, úroveň potřebného softwaru, potřeba vlastního notebooku:
There were many free computers available in the library, and several other buildings. The Internet was available everywhere through the Eduroam network.

Možnosti tisku a kopírování:
Printing was available in the library for a small fee (easily chargeable to the student ID).

Pořádá zahraniční škola/studentská organizace speciální akce pro výměnné studenty?:

Jestliže ano, jaké?:
There's a student society for the exchange students. It started off quite well, but I felt that there could have been more events with better experiences. Although I understand that most of the events were done by unpaid volunteer students, in the end, some of the events did not feel very thought through (and were quite expensive).

Jak byste zhodnotil/a svoji integraci mezi místní studenty (hodnocení jako ve škole 1-5):

případně doplňte vlastními slovy:
Concerning the Aussies, they do mostly keep to their own (at least at the on-campus accommodation). Any other nationality that studied full-time was keen on talking though. Most of the friends I made were not Australian by nationality.

Praktické otázky pobytu
Kde jste bydlel/a?:
On-campus accommodation.
Please, live anywhere else, it's definitely not worth the money and you will be happier almost anywhere else. Here's a copy-paste of my review of res for Deakin.

Overall, my experience with the res has been very poor. For almost double the money as I would pay for a shared flat in the city centre, the experience is awfully mediocre. This ranges through almost everything; but first, let's start with the okay. The kitchen is fairly spacious and pretty good to cook at. The bathrooms are fairly tidy. The living room is pretty comfortable to chill at & looks good. The quiet hours are reasonable.
Concerning everything else though, I have a lot of issues. The rooms are tiny & claustrophobic, having a closet almost 2/3 the size of the room is pretty ridiculous. There's also a lot of space wasted in the corner where the bed meets the table. There could at least be a small drawer unit. The heaters are malfunctioning constantly, which has gotten me sick more than once already, not to mention the ridiculous amount of noise they do. They seem to either not work at all, or turn my room into Venus heat-wise & a harsh noise night club noise-wise (this breaking point seems to be at give or take 2.2). I feel very ripped off buying the linen pack, which contained a terrible quality quilt & bad pillows. I had to buy new linen (which cost only about 1/3rd of the price but was much better quality). The television is difficult to use with the wall-mounted remote. The fire alarms' sensitivity is terrible. Having to go outside almost daily because there's a "fire" in a building that is not even actually connected through any inside passage that could catch fire to mine makes no sense. Having to key myself into my room (and almost every other door) every time is irritating and has caused me to lock myself out several times already. I feel more as in a sterile hotel than at a welcoming flat. Every single door is hard to open, does not stay open by itself and is very bad at noise cancelling. The cleaning team is not very attentive either. The kitchen is usually not cleaned well enough, and the floors are not vacuumed properly. Not to even mention that any space that is not easily accessible is not touched at all, and there is leftover trash almost every time. The bathrooms' toilet paper quality is terrible. The showerhead is hard to position and angle, and there is not any proper space to put your shower gels at. There are also shower mats missing. Luckily, my roommates are willing to share most cooking amenities, I cannot fathom having to buy everything from scratch. Concerning the common areas, they are very sterile, unwelcoming & badly heated. The public kitchens are not equipped at all. The laundry room has several broken laundry machines, with no marking on them that they are broken. The ping pong & pool tables in MC are decrepit. The "playground", if it could even be called that, is a joke. A single basketball hoop that isn't even properly mounted & attached to the ground, without a net. I can't imagine it's that hard to build a multi-function playground (check decathlon, they could probably hook you up) for any sport with the kind of money you're asking the residents to pay for this accommodation. Having a single smoking area that isn't even under a roof (and being told off by a security guard when hiding under the closest roof) is also very unfriendly. I feel bothered by having every single security guard asking me questions & asking for my ID after sunset. I've even had an experience where I was walking home with a friend, and I've been asked for an ID but she hasn't. The security guard was overall much more unfriendly towards me than towards her. I'm definitely not feeling unsafe here, but I'm not feeling welcome either.
The social events here are lacklustre & scarce. The residents typically keep to themselves and stay in their rooms, which just adds to the feeling of a rental hotel. I can't say that the res feels even close to a community. To add on this, the amenities around the accommodation are terrible (which is not DRS's fault, but has to be mentioned too to get the full picture). A "quick" shopping trip has never taken me under 2 hours, and there are no pubs or bars nearby.
Not to mention the early moving out process. Although it is fairly complicated by itself with finding the replacement and all that, it's fairly understandable. But as an exchange student, the rules that apply to me make moving out nigh impossible. It is fairly absurd that I (instead of the res) would have to find another exchange student (instead of anyone) to move in here instead of me.
Overall, I would not recommend staying here to anyone. I can't speak for staying at the village, although from what I've seen, it seems better at some (but definitely not most) of the issues I've mentioned above.

Cena ubytování – měsíčně:
800 EUR

Další poznámky k ceně ubytování (ohledně toho, co cena obsahuje):
See above. Res is unbelievably overpriced! For the price they ask, you could live in the city centre in your own room, with a beautiful view, free sauna, pool and a gym, and without the security guards everywhere.

Popište vybavenost. Tipy pro další studenty – co by si měli sebou přivézt?:
If for some reason you choose to stay at res, your flatmates might share the cooking equipment. I was fairly lucky at this, but I've heard several experiences where nobody shared anything.
Buy your own beddings, don't buy the overpriced ones they offer you!

Jak a s jakým předstihem je třeba si zařídit ubytování?:
I've had to get into the res at the end of April I believe. If you look for accommodation by yourself, it's completely fine to live in an Airbnb at first, while you're looking (get in touch with other internationals and find something together). Neighbourhoods I'd recommend to live at are CBD, Docklands, Southbank, Richmond, South Yarra, St Kilda, Carlton, North Melbourne. There might be other nice ones, surrounding these. Check and gumtree to find flatmates. You could even stay at an Airbnb for the whole time if you find a nice one. They might give you a decent discount (I've had a mate that lived this way for the trimester).

Jaké jsou možnosti stravování?:
On the campus residence, the catering options are very poor. The options are basically riding a tram for 4-5 stops to the mall (all in all one-way trip is 30 minutes at least), walking ±20 minutes to Domino's, or ordering Uber Eats. There's a school cantina open in working hours, but after trying all cantinas available, I can say that the food is both mediocre and overpriced compared to any other restaurant slightly further away.

Jaké jsou orientační ceny potravin (porovnejte s cenami v ČR):
About 30-50% more expensive. The quality is comparably better though, it is quite difficult to buy low-quality groceries. You'll be pleasantly surprised.

Doprava do místa pobytu:
I've lived right on campus, so about 10 minutes of walking.

Orientační cena dopravy:
Single trip ticket (any amount of transfers) with discounted Myki card comes out to about A$2.20. There's an option for a monthly subscription too, but it only starts making sense if you make more than 8-10 trips per week (which I did not).

Tipy pro zakoupení výhodné letenky/jízdenky/další doporučení:
Get a discounted Myki as soon as possible. You'll save ~50% on all public transport in Victoria.
Also, if you're living on campus, get a car as soon as possible. The comfort & possibilities to travel around this opens up are well worth the price (which is at least 50% less than what you'd pay in Europe).

Jaké jsou možnosti místní dopravy (MHD, kolo, pěšky, orientační ceny):
Victoria's public transport is rumoured to be one of the best outsides of Europe. If you're used to Brno's public transport, you'll be fairly disappointed. For such a gigantic city though, it's very decent. There are trams, bus lines and train lines that connect most major neighbourhoods. All of these use the pricing mentioned above. A bike might be a good option if you're staying for T1 (it'll be much warmer). It takes about 1h to get from campus to the city centre using public transport.

Jaké formality je třeba vyřídit po příjezdu, např. povolení k pobytu?:
I had to pay for the Deakin residence quite early in advance, I believe I paid my first month sometime in April.

Jakého jste použil/a zdravotního pojištění? (orientační cena, výhody, nevýhody, je nutno na univerzitě pořídit jiné než domácí (české) pojištění?):
There are several companies that provide state-mandated health insurance (OSHC) that you need to have for the visa. Deakin themselves suggest BUPA and help you with the process. You basically only send them money and they send you back a print-out insurance card. It came out to A$298.
There's not really any difference between the companies which provide the insurance. The price might differ by a few dollars, but the result is very similar.

Měl/a jste zkušenosti s lékařským ošetřením v zahraničí?:
Yes, I've been to a doctor's office for a routine check-up, blood tests & vaccinations. All in all the experience was very good and professional. BUPA paid me back most of my expenses. The system in Australia is that you pay for your treatment right away and then apply for a refund at BUPA's website.
I've had several mates that had to go to the ER, and they have had very similar experiences to mine.

Pracoval/a jste během studia?:
No, I wanted to get into working as a bartender for a change of pace, but the laws in Victoria require you to first get several permits for ~A$50 each to let you work with liquor and food. I've decided it's not worth the hassle for a few months.

Jaké jsou podmínky pro práci/brigádu pro studenty z MU?:
Similar as for everyone else. If you have time, it's not too hard to find a part-time job. They're typically fairly well paid, even if you make minimum wage.

Tipy na využití volného času:
Melbourne is a cultural hotspot. There's amazing concerts, street parties, rooftop bars, cinemas, theatres, galleries, and many more to see every single day. This is the main reason I recommend staying as close to the centre as possible. Culture-wise, Melbourne is the best city I've had the pleasure of living in.
Concerning nature, Victoria is a very good state to be at, if you have a car at your disposal. There are beaches, mountains, national parks, hot springs, and much more to see.
Also, Deakin has a very well supported system for sports clubs. It's a good way to find new mates.

Finanční podpora a náklady
Celkový grant od Centra zahraniční spolupráce:
80000 CZK

Měsíční stipendium v Kč:
20000 CZK

Počet podpořených měsíců:

Celkový počet měsíců:

Jakých dalších zdrojů jste využil/a k financování pobytu?:
Saved up money from working before.

Pokud jste obdržel/a další stipendium, uveďte jaké a jeho výši v Kč:

Poplatky spojené s nástupem na univerzitu:
120 AUD

a/ výše vstupního poplatku:

b/ výše školného:

c/ výše ostatních poplatků (jakých):
120 AUD

Jaké byly Vaše průměrné měsíční výdaje?:
4000 AUD

a/ z toho ubytování:
1400 AUD

b/ z toho stravování:
600 AUD

c/ cestování a volný čas:
2000 AUD

Jakékoli komentáře k průměrným měsíčním výdajům:
You'll be spending most of your non-accommodation money on food if you don't cook a lot by yourself (which I did 90% of the time). Second, outings come up to a hefty amount (A$100-150 on average). We did buy a car though, so this bit into my "recreation" budget quite a lot. Overall though, it was a very good move that I definitely recommend doing ASAP (so you get the most out of it).

Uznání zahraničního studia domácí fakultou
Kolik jste během studia získal kreditů (v systému zahraniční školy)?:

Kolik ETCS kreditů bylo uznáno na MU?:

Věděl/a jste předem, které kurzy Vám budou domácí fakultou uznány?:
Yes. All were recognized as C-level courses, which was my intention to begin with.

Jakým problémům jste musel/a v souvislosti s uznáním čelit?:

Celkové hodnocení
Posouzení osobního přínosu (1 = výborný):

Posouzení akademického přínosu (1 = výborný):

Ohodnoťte informace a podporu poskytnuté zahraniční školou (1 = výborný):

Setkal/a jste se s nějakými závažnými problémy během pobytu:
We did have some issues with a car when we were travelling through the desert. In relation to Deakin, there were not any major problems.

Co doporučujete vzít si s sebou:
If you're going in T2, winter clothes! But overall, don't take too many things. You'll buy whatever you need in Australia, and you'll be leaving with many more thing that you came with. :)

Co Vás nejvíce překvapilo na partnerské univerzitě pozitivně:
Quality of the campus' free amenities.

Co Vás nejvíce překvapilo na partnerské univerzitě negativně:
The teaching quality was much worse than expected. The way the school took money off you at every opportunity, with things like overpriced cantinas and expensive accommodation, was fairly unexpected. The Australian students on res were very secluded. Overall, the res life was definitely not what I expected.

Další komentář:
All in all, I feel like the reasons my stay was not amazing were easily avoidable if I had more information. So, here's a crash course:
1. Don't stay on Res (in Burwood, at least. I've heard good things about Geelong's waterfront res.)
2. Live somewhere close to the city centre
3. Get a car ASAP
4. Pick your courses wisely, ask the teachers until you're 100% sure you know what you're getting into
5. Go out as much as possible
6. T1 will probably be a better experience than T2, weather and culture-wise. (Summer x winter)
7. Arrive a bit earlier so you're not rushed into finding a place you might not love

All in all, Melbourne is an amazing place to spend a semester or two. You'll see things you've never seen and experience things you've never experienced.