ISOIS ▸ Summer/Winter schools

  • Step 1 (incomplete)
    personal data & address
  • Step 2
    summer school
  • Step 3
    home university
  • Step 4
    language skills
  • Step 5
    health & emergency contact
  • Step 6
  • Step 7
    feedback & comments
  • Step 8
    upload documents
  • Step 9
    submit application

Application for students and staff coming to MU

Summer school

CzechMates Internship 2025
Summer internship opportunities within a spectrum of local, regional, and multinational companies in Brno are available for those students seeking an internship option beyond the beaten path to extend their international experiential acumen.

In your motivation letter please address your goals for your internship - both skills you hope to gain and specific areas you are interested in. Please also write what you are able to provide to a potential internship site. If you have a specific internship site in mind, please also indicate this in your cover letter.

The CV is your resume that will be used to secure your internship placement.

Apply and commit by 1 February to receive the early bird discount.

Please fill in the form carefully. Fields that are mandatory are marked with a red asterisk.

After you've saved the first step, you will be able to fill in the remaining steps in arbitrary order. After you have filled in steps 1 to 8, you will need to submit the application in step 9. The button to submit the application will appear once the application is completely filled in. After you submit the application, you will not be able to edit it any more. Only submitted applications will be taken into consideration. The deadline to submit the application is on 1st Apr 2025 23:59:59 CEST.

Please observe the following instructions:

  • Do not write all letters capital or all letters small when filling in your name and address.
Personal data
First name*:
All other names: This field is required only if it appears in your passport / national ID.
Last name*:
Marital status*:   
Date of birth*: YYYY-MM-DD format
Place of birth (City)*:
Place of birth (Country)*:
Phone number*: Include country code and city code.
E-mail address*: This e-mail will be used for communication between you and the Center for International Cooperation; therefore must be working. Do NOT enter emails of the following providers: Outlook, Hotmail, Live. Use a university email or Gmail instead.
E-mail address (2): In case you would like to use another e-mail as well (e.g. a private one instead of an academic one) for communication with us, please fill it in here so that we can match your e-mails correctly.
Permanent address in your home country
Number and Street*:
Postal code*:
Is your correspondence address different from your permanent address?*:   
Address for correspondence

Fill in this section only if the address for correspondence differs from the permanent address.

Number and Street:
Postal code:
Correspondence address valid from/to: -
Your study at home
Country of home university*:
Home university*:
Name of home university*: In case you have not found your university in box above, enter its name in English:
What is the name of your degree/program of study?*:
Level of study at the time of application*:
Year of study at the time of application*:


Red asterisks (*) denote required fields.