ISOIS ▸ Final reports

Ac. year:
Mobility type:
Study level:

Kenyatta University

Kenya 2021/2022 Freemovers

Personal data
Mobility type:

Faculty at MU:
Faculty of Social Studies

Field of study:
Bezpečnostní a strategická studia (Security and Strategic studies)

Level of study during period of placement:

Language used:

Summer/winter school?:

Period of studies:
autumn 2021

Period of placement (from-to):
2021-09-19 - 2022-02-13

Number of months:

Activities before my departure abroad
Where can information be found about courses taught at the foreign school?:
Na stránkách školy.

Which documents were needed for acceptance at the foreign university?:
Motivační dopis a výpis známek.

How far ahead did you have to organise your acceptance?:
Ideálně více než pět měsíců.

Did you need a visa?:

Documents and materials needed for a visa:
Fotografie, vyplnění online formuláře, platba.

Length of wait for visa:
Vízum, resp. jeho žádost je elektronicky schválena do 24h. Samotné udělení pak probíhá při příletu.

Fee for the visa:
50 USD - 3 měsíce. V případě prodloužení opět 50 USD.

Did you have a Learning Agreement signed before your departure?:
- choose option -

If not, why not?:
Konkrétní náplň studia se finalizovala až na místě.

Before your departure did you know how your courses would be recognised by your home faculty?:

During your stay did you change your Learning Agreement?:
Pouze v otázce zkrácení délky pobytu o několik málo dní.

When and how did course registration take place? Are there any restrictions? Possibilities of making changes?:
Veškeré info si musí student vyběhat na místě. Kurzy, termíny registrace i následných zkoušek nejsou známy dopředu.

Did you take any examinations at the foreign school?:

Does the school use the ECTS system?:
- choose option -

If not then explain how the credits there were recalculated into ECTS:
Vzhledem k uznání předmětu pro doktorský zahraniční výzkumný pobyt jsem nemusel toto řešit.

Describe the teaching methods (theory, practical and projects) and assessment of students:
Jako doktorský student jsem měl individuální výuku, která se sestávala s terénního výzkumu a následné publikace výsledků.

Quality of teaching in comparison with home school:
Pokud srovnám s Katedrou Politologie FSS, tak je kvalita srovnatelná a v mnoha ohledech mnohem vyšší.

How did you receive study materials?:
Skrze konzultace s přiděleným školitelem.

Can you recommend an interesting course/subject/teacher?:
Dr. F. Ichani.

How well is the school library equipped?:
Srovnatelná s FSS. Školní knihkupectví je navíc vybaveno nadstandardně.

Availability of computers, internet access, level of software needed, requirements on notebook:
Škola disponuje dostupnými počítači. Vzhledem k tomu, že vlastním notebook jsem jejich kvalitu nezkoumal. Internet na kampusu je.

Options from printing and copying:

Does the foreign school/student organisation arrange special events for exchange students?:

If yes then what?:
Výlet do národního parku a výlet do Mombasy.

How would you assess your integration with the local students (evaluation like in school from 1 to 5 with 1 as highest):

or describe in your own words:

Practical questions on your placement
Where did you live?:
Soukromé ubytování

Cost of accommodation - monthly:
600 EUR

Additional comments to the price of accommodation (as to what the price includes):
Včetně služeb.

Describe the equipment. Tips for future students – what should they bring with them?:
Léky, kapky do očí, redukce na britské zásuvky.

How and how far ahead should accommodation be organised?:
U soukromého ubytování není potřeba větší předstih, dva týdny stačí.

What are the catering options?:
Na Kampusu omezené, ve městě se naopak nachází kavárny, které by se se svojí kvalitou nemuseli bát o svoji budoucnost ani v Brně.

What are the rough costs of groceries (compare with Czech prices):
Zelenina výrazně levnější (avokádo, mango cca 5kč/kus), maso a uzeniny výrazně dražší. Pivo cca 80 kč/500 ml.

Transport to location of placement:
Uber, Bolt, Matatu

Rough prices for transportation:
Uber, Bolt - 80 kč, Matatu - 10 kč.

Tips for purchasing cheap tickets and other recommendations:
Qatar Airway/Emirates

What are the local transport options (public transport, cycling, on foot, rough prices):
Matatu - 10 kč jízdenka.

What kind of formalities have to be arranged before arrival, for example residence permit?:

What health insurance did you use? (rough price, advantages, disadvantages, is it necessary to arrange insurance at the university other than your home (Czech) insurance?):

Did you have any experience with medical treatment abroad?:

Did you work during your studies?:

What are the conditions for working for MU students?:
Omezené, pro oficiální práci je nutné povolení.

Tips for free-time activities:
Národní parky.

Financial support and expenses
Total grant from Centre for International Cooperation:
80000 CZK

Monthly grant in CZK:
16000 CZK

Number of supported months:

Total number of months:

What other sources did you make use of to finance your placement?:
Doktorské stipendium, vlastní úspory.

If you received another grant, state which and how much in CZK:

Total fees associated with enrolment at the university:
50 USD

a/ amount of enrolment fee:
50 USD

b/ amount of tuition fees:

c/ amount of other fees (which):

What was your average monthly expenditure?:
1500 USD

a/ of which for accommodation:
700 USD

b/ of which for catering:
500 USD

c/ travel and recreation:
300 USD

Any comments to the average monthly expenditure:
Průměrné náklady jsou pouze orientační. Před samotným odjezdem je např. vhodné absolvovat cestovatelská očkování, jejichž celková cena se blíží 15 000.

Recognition of foreign studies at the home faculty
How many credits did you gain during your studies (in the system of the foreign school)?:

How many ECTS credits were recognised at MU?:

Did you know in advance which of your courses would be recognised by your home faculty?:
Ano, FSSd0900 Zahraniční výzkumný pobyt

What problems did you have with recognition?:

Overall assessment
Assessment of personal benefit (1 = excellent):

Assessment of academic benefit (1 = excellent):

Evaluate the information and support provided by the foreign school (1 = excellent):

Did you encounter any serious problems during your stay:
Nejzávažnější problémy mi paradoxně způsobovala mateřská katedra na FSS.

What would you recommend to take with you:
Pevné nervy.

What most surprised you at the partner university in a positive way:
Vhled do problematiky.

What most surprised you at the partner university in a negative way:
Míra věcí, které stále nejsou digitalizovány a je potřeba je dělat skrze papírové formuláře/potvrzení.

Further comments: