ISOIS ▸ Final reports

Ac. year:
Mobility type:
Study level:

University of Hamburg

Germany 2023/2024 Freemovers

Personal data
Mobility type:

Faculty at MU:
Faculty of Social Studies

Field of study:
International relations

Level of study during period of placement:

Language used:

Summer/winter school?:

Period of studies:
spring 2024

Period of placement (from-to):
2024-03-25 - 2024-09-30

Number of months:

Activities before my departure abroad
Where can information be found about courses taught at the foreign school?:
Stránka univerzity, prípadne priamo kontaktovať international office danej univerzity/fakulty prostredníctvom mailu.

Which documents were needed for acceptance at the foreign university?:
CV, motivačný dopis, potvrdenie o jazykových znalostiach, výpis známok

How far ahead did you have to organise your acceptance?:
Osobne som začala pobyt riešiť v novembri/decembri a odchádzala som v marci, avšak odporúčam začat čím skôr a nepodceniť prípravu.

Did you need a visa?:

Documents and materials needed for a visa:

Length of wait for visa:

Fee for the visa:

Did you have a Learning Agreement signed before your departure?:

If not, why not?:

Before your departure did you know how your courses would be recognised by your home faculty?:

During your stay did you change your Learning Agreement?:

When and how did course registration take place? Are there any restrictions? Possibilities of making changes?:
Registrácia prebieha online a kurzy je možné meniť aj po začatí výuky (prvé dva týždne).

Did you take any examinations at the foreign school?:

Does the school use the ECTS system?:

If not then explain how the credits there were recalculated into ECTS:

Describe the teaching methods (theory, practical and projects) and assessment of students:
Prevažuje písanie esejí (diaľkovo) ako záverečná forma skúšky.

Quality of teaching in comparison with home school:
Kvalita bola porovnateľná s MUNI.

How did you receive study materials?:
Prostredníctvom informačného systému univerzity.

Can you recommend an interesting course/subject/teacher?:
Prof. Dr. Merike Blofield

How well is the school library equipped?:
Na kampuse sa nachádza niekoľko knihovní, oplatí sa využívať.

Availability of computers, internet access, level of software needed, requirements on notebook:
Sú dostupné v knihovne, avšak odporúčam mať vlastný počítač.

Options from printing and copying:

Does the foreign school/student organisation arrange special events for exchange students?:

If yes then what?:
Zvyčajne každý týžden je nejaká akcia určená pre international students.

How would you assess your integration with the local students (evaluation like in school from 1 to 5 with 1 as highest):

or describe in your own words:

Practical questions on your placement
Where did you live?:

Cost of accommodation - monthly:
550 EUR

Additional comments to the price of accommodation (as to what the price includes):
Je možnosť aj koleje, avšak pre veľký záujem ju nemožno garantovať, tam sa cena pohybovala okolo 340E.

Describe the equipment. Tips for future students – what should they bring with them?:
Pokoj má len základný nábytok.

How and how far ahead should accommodation be organised?:
3-4 mesiace.

What are the catering options?:

What are the rough costs of groceries (compare with Czech prices):

Transport to location of placement:

Rough prices for transportation:
Okolo 100E. na semester

Tips for purchasing cheap tickets and other recommendations:

What are the local transport options (public transport, cycling, on foot, rough prices):
Dá sa zaobstarať kolo.

What kind of formalities have to be arranged before arrival, for example residence permit?:
Je potrebná city registration.

What health insurance did you use? (rough price, advantages, disadvantages, is it necessary to arrange insurance at the university other than your home (Czech) insurance?):
Mala som svoje pôvodné.

Did you have any experience with medical treatment abroad?:

Did you work during your studies?:

What are the conditions for working for MU students?:

Tips for free-time activities:
Zúčastnovať sa akcií pre international students.

Financial support and expenses
Total grant from Centre for International Cooperation:
3200 EUR

Monthly grant in CZK:
16000 CZK

Number of supported months:

Total number of months:

What other sources did you make use of to finance your placement?:
Vlastné financie, rodičia.

If you received another grant, state which and how much in CZK:
30 000 - fakultné štipendium

Total fees associated with enrolment at the university:
350 EUR

a/ amount of enrolment fee:

b/ amount of tuition fees:

c/ amount of other fees (which):

What was your average monthly expenditure?:
950 EUR

a/ of which for accommodation:
550 EUR

b/ of which for catering:
350 EUR

c/ travel and recreation:
50 EUR

Any comments to the average monthly expenditure:

Recognition of foreign studies at the home faculty
How many credits did you gain during your studies (in the system of the foreign school)?:

How many ECTS credits were recognised at MU?:

Did you know in advance which of your courses would be recognised by your home faculty?:

What problems did you have with recognition?:

Overall assessment
Assessment of personal benefit (1 = excellent):

Assessment of academic benefit (1 = excellent):

Evaluate the information and support provided by the foreign school (1 = excellent):

Did you encounter any serious problems during your stay:
Problémy s ubytovaním.

What would you recommend to take with you:
Všetky potrebné doklady.

What most surprised you at the partner university in a positive way:
Počet zahraničných študentov a celková atmosféra na kampuse.

What most surprised you at the partner university in a negative way:
Niektoré administratívne veci.

Further comments: