ISOIS ▸ Final reports

Ac. year:
Mobility type:
Study level:

Federal University of Pernambuco

Brazil 2023/2024 Freemovers

Personal data
Mobility type:

Faculty at MU:
Faculty of Science

Field of study:

Level of study during period of placement:

Language used:

Summer/winter school?:

Period of studies:
spring 2024

Period of placement (from-to):
2024-06-25 - 2024-08-28

Number of months:

Activities before my departure abroad
What was your approach in organising the placement?:
Kontaktovala jsem svého vedoucího práce a vedoucí pak následně kontaktoval hostitelskou univerzitu. Poskytla jsem motivační dopis a learning agreement.

What documents are required for acceptance on a placement at this organisation?:
Learning agreement, motivační dopis.

How far ahead did acceptance have to be organised? (in weeks):
Přijetí jsem vyřizovala zhruba dva měsíce před odletem.

Did you need a visa?:

Documents and materials needed for a visa:

Fee for the visa:

During the placement
Did you change the training agreement in the course of your placement (training agreement)?:

What is necessary to arrange immediately on arrival? What requirements and at which offices?:
Internet v mobilním telefonu, já použila služby esim, což se ukázalo jako nejlepší a nejjednodušší možnost.

Describe your work/activity in the foreign organisation. Describe what specifically you did, whether the work corresponded to the agreed conditions and your field of study, and whether your work was independent and responsible, approximate working hours.:
Pracovala jsem za dohledu mého vedoucího, prováděla jsem etnografické studie v celkem dvou vesnicích domorodých obyvatel. Vše proběhlo, jak bylo předem sjednané.

Did the organisation or local student organisations arrange any special events for foreign students on placements?:

If yes then what?:

Practical questions on your placement
Where did you live?:
U lidí ve vesnicích, kde jsem pracovala.

Cost of accommodation - monthly:
40 EUR

Additional comments to the price of accommodation (as to what the price includes):

Who arranged your accommodation and how far ahead:
Můj vedoucí práce, zhruba s měsíčním přestihem.

Equipment, internet connection, what to bring:
Vybavenost byla dostačující, vše co jsme potrebovali nám bylo poskytnuto. Doporucuji si s sebou vzit spací pytel, případně i karimatku.

What are the rough costs of groceries (compare with Czech prices):
Ceny potravin jsou výrazně levnější, řekla bych tak 2-3 krát.

Transport to location of placement:
V Brazílii jsme se do místa pobytu dopravili autem a autobusem. Brazílie má velice pohodlnou autobusovou dopravu.

Approximate price:
Doprava se cenově pohybovala jako zde v České republice.

Tips for purchasing cheap tickets and other recommendations:
Doporučuji kupovat zároveň i letenku zpáteční, s dostatečným předstihem. Jako letecká společnost se nám vyplatila Turkish Airlines.

What are the local transport options (public transport, cycling, on foot, rough prices):
MHD, Taxi, Uber a jiné místní služby jako Bla bla car nebo 99 taxi.

How did you use health insurance? What type?:
Využila jsem cestovní pojištění od ČSOB Pojišťovny.

Did you have other insurance? Which?:

Experience with insured events:

Tips for recreation:
V Brazílii se toho dá dělat mnoho, doporučuji zkoušet zdejší kuchyni, koncerty samby, procházky do krásné přírody.

Financial support and expenses
Monthly grant from the Centre for International Cooperation:
16000 CZK

What other sources did you make use of to finance your placement?:

What was your average monthly expenditure during the placement (i.e. without the travel there and back)?:
10000 CZK

a/ of which for accommodation:
1000 CZK

b/ of which for catering:
4000 CZK

c/ travel and recreation:
5000 CZK

Any comments to the average monthly expenditure:

Experience with bank accounts/services. Do you recommend an account arranged abroad, use of Czech payment cards...:
Doporučuji zařídit si revolut, všude se dá platit kartou.

Did you pay to foreign organisations any fees? (insurance, materials, etc.):

Did you receive a salary from the host business/organisation?:

If yes, what was your monthly salary?:

Other advantages from the host organisation?:

Is it necessary to assume a larger amount at the start of the placement? If yes, what and for what purpose?:

Recognition of the foreign placement at the home faculty
Is the traineeship part of your field of study?:

If yes - is it a compulsory or optional part?:

How will your traineeship abroad be recognised at the home faculty?:
Stáž bude uznána ve formě kreditů v rámci předmětu Bi4141, Internship abroad.

How many ECTS credits did you/will you get?:

Were there serious problems arranging recognition of the placement?:

Overall assessment
Assessment of personal benefit (1 = excellent):

Assessment of academic benefit (1 = excellent):

Do you agree with the statement that, thanks to the experience gained during the placement you will be able to further develop your skills for work in your field?:

What did you most appreciate after completing your placement?:
Všechny zkušenosti , které jsem získala a pomoc od mého vedoucího práce.

Any serious problems during the placement?:

Do you have any recommendation for those that follow you? (e.g. what to take with them):
Vyměnit si nějakou hotovost před odletem, zařídit si pokud možno Esim, neboť kupování internetu je složitý proces. Pro placení doporučuji revolut.