ISOIS ▸ Agreements

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University of Vlora "Ismail Qemali"

Erasmus+ agreement (ICM)


Basic data

Agreement type Erasmus+ agreement (ICM)
Country of partner university Albania
Partner university University of Vlora "Ismail Qemali"


Cooperation details

Signed for years 2023-2025
Areas and levels of cooperation Education, not further defined:

Arts, not further defined :

Humanities (except languages), not further defined:

Languages, not further defined - All levels

Social and behavioural sciences, not further defined:


Business and administration, not further defined:

Law, not elsewhere classified:

Biological and related sciences, not further defined:

Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics, inter-disciplinary programmes:

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), not further defined:

Health (medicine, dentristy, nursing):


The cooperation may be restricted to only one direction of mobility; please see the full agreement detail below.


Responsible persons

Responsible person at MU Simona Fuchsová
Contact person at partner university Armela Panajoti



Full agreement detail (publicly available) Download the agreement
Full agreement detail (only for MU staff) Link to the filing reference system in the IS MUNI
Agreement administration (only for CZS staff) ISOIS - link


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